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What to expect in AP Environmental Science?

So I'm thinking about taking AP Environmental Science next year, cause I'm really into topics about the environment and sustainability. Could someone give me a rundown of what the main topics are? Like, is it more about ecosystems, pollution, sustainable practices, or does it cover a bit of everything?

a year ago

Hola! It's awesome that you're considering AP Environmental Science, especially with your interest in environmental topics. From personal experience, the course does cover a bit of everything you mentioned. You'll delve into various ecosystems and how energy flows through them, but also get a good chunk of lessons on human impacts like pollution, resource depletion, and various solutions for sustainability. It intertwines a lot of biology, chemistry, and even some aspects of social sciences when discussing policies and the economic side of environmental issues.

The class typically includes labs and fieldwork because AP exams value hands-on experience and data analysis. The AP exam at the end of the year will test you on both your comprehension of the material and your ability to apply the concepts to real-world scenarios. So, you're not just learning facts; you're learning how to think critically about environmental issues. If you're passionate about this stuff, you'll likely find the class thought-provoking and empowering because it touches upon real issues we're facing on a global scale. Best of luck if you decide to take it - it sounds like a perfect fit for your interests!

a year ago

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