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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Converting a 1310 PSAT Score to SAT Expectations?

I'm trying to figure out what my PSAT score of 1310 might mean for the SAT. How accurate is this score as a predictor for the SAT, and what should my target score range be when I start prepping for the actual thing?

a year ago

A PSAT score of 1310 is a strong indicator of how you might perform on the SAT, as the tests are quite similar in content and structure. Your score falls around the 90th percentile for PSAT-takers, which is a great starting point.

While converting PSAT scores to SAT scores isn't an exact science, a 1310 on the PSAT suggests that with dedicated preparation, you could aim for a slightly higher score on the SAT, around a 1400.

It's important to remember, starting a study plan early and focusing on any areas of weakness can have a substantial impact on your actual SAT results.

In prep for the SAT, consider using official College Board practice tests and resources, or any reliable prep books and online platforms. They typically offer practice questions and full tests that mimic the SAT format and difficulty. And don't forget, while test scores are significant, they’re just one aspect of your entire application package. All the best as you prepare for your SAT, and remember, consistent practice can lead to impressive results!

a year ago

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