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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Community Service for College Apps: What Counts?

Alright, so I know community service is important for college apps, but I'm kinda fuzzy on what actually counts as 'good' community service. Could use some advice!

I've done various things like helping out at local events and assisting at a retirement home. But like, what do colleges look for in community service and how is it weighed compared to other ECs?

a year ago

Glad you're actively engaging in community service! Admissions committees look for sustained involvement and leadership in community service. What you've done so far is wonderful because it shows a breadth of experience and a willingness to be involved in your community.

Colleges assess community service along with your other extracurricular activities. They're interested in the impact you've made and the commitment you've shown rather than just the number of hours you've clocked. If there's a particular cause you're passionate about, it can be beneficial to focus your efforts there. This could evolve into a leadership role or a personal project, which would stand out more on your applications.

a year ago

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