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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 1350 on the PSAT a Good Sign?

Feeling good about my PSAT—I got a 1350. Is this like a solid benchmark for colleges that look at PSAT scores, or should I aim even higher for the SAT? Not sure how colleges interpret these scores.

9 months ago

A 1350 on the PSAT is definitely a strong score, signaling that you're on a good track. Given that a perfect score on the PSAT is 1520, and considering the PSAT is slightly easier than the SAT, this is an indicator that you’re performing well academically. Remember, though, that the SAT is out of 1600, and you'll likely see a bit of an adjustment in your score when you take the actual SAT. It's common for students to score a bit lower on the SAT than the PSAT due to the exam's increased difficulty.

To estimate your SAT score, you can use this chart, which says you would have around a 1430: https://blog.collegevine.com/psat-to-sat-score-conversion-predict-your-score. That said, you should aim to confirm and improve upon your PSAT performance by preparing for the specific challenges of the SAT.

To bolster your preparation, consider taking full-length practice tests and focusing on any areas of weakness. Strong scores can boost your Academic Index, which is part of what selective colleges use to assess academic strength. So, keep on practicing; your current PSAT score shows promise, and with some more preparation, you could potentially raise your score even higher for the SAT!

9 months ago

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