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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When do ACT scores typically get released?

Hi, does anyone know how long it usually takes for ACT scores to be released? I'm trying to plan my college application timeline and it would help to know when to expect my results.

a year ago

Hey there! It's understandable that you're trying to get a handle on your application timeline. Typically, ACT scores are released online around two to three weeks after your test date. However, it can sometimes take up to eight weeks for scores to be sent to colleges or for you to receive your score report by mail. It’s a smart move to factor this timeline into your college application plans, especially if you're aiming to meet early application deadlines. Keep an eye out on your ACT online account—that's where your scores will first be posted. If you’ve taken the ACT with writing, it might take an additional two weeks for your writing score to be reported. So, if you’re scheduling your test with a specific application deadline in mind, it’s best to take the test at least two months prior to ensure you have your scores in time. Don't forget to account for this time frame and perhaps even build in some extra cushion to avoid any last-minute stress. Good luck!

a year ago

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