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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I choose my major for college?

Feeling kinda lost about picking a major—I've got interests all over the place. Any advice on how to narrow it down? Should I be thinking more about job prospects, or just go with what I love?

a year ago

It's completely natural to be uncertain about choosing a major, especially when you have a wide array of interests. A helpful approach is to begin with self-reflection. Ask yourself what subjects you're most passionate about and which ones you excel in. It's also wise to consider where these overlap with potential career opportunities.

Think about the lifestyle you envision for yourself after graduation—certain careers will align with this more than others. Remember, many students enter college as 'undecided,' and that's okay! Colleges often provide exploratory programs to help you decide. Additionally, talking with professionals in fields you're interested in, job shadowing, or taking part in internships can provide invaluable insight.

Don't rush the decision; give yourself the flexibility to explore different classes in your first year. Balancing passion and practicality is key. Love for a subject can lead to deep engagement and success, which can translate to career opportunities later on, while practicality ensures that you'll be able to sustain yourself after college.

For instance, if you love art, you might explore design majors that merge creativity with in-demand tech skills. Ultimately, the right major for you will be one that excites you and offers pathways to a fulfilling career.

a year ago

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