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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does a 2300 SAT score compete today?

I know the SAT format has changed, but for context, how would an old 2300 SAT score stack up in the current admissions climate? I'm wondering if I should mention my parents' scores in that range when talking about educational background in interviews or essays.

9 months ago

While SAT formats and scoring have evolved over the years, a 2300 on the old 2400 scale is still an impressive score by historical standards, comparable to approximately a 1540-1560 on the newer 1600 scale. However, mentioning your parents' SAT scores isn't typically relevant in the context of your own college application process, whether in interviews or essays.

Admissions committees are interested in your achievements, skills, and potential, rather than your family's academic history. Moreover, some might view the mention of your parents' scores as an attempt to leverage legacy status in a less direct manner, which can be off-putting unless it's a point of context for a larger, relevant story about your family's educational values or experiences.

Focus on what you’ve accomplished and what you bring to the table. If your achievements include high standardized test scores or other academic accolades, those should certainly be included in your application materials, but keep the spotlight on your own record.

9 months ago

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