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AP US History Exam Date for 2024?

Anyone else taking AP US History this year? I need to know the exam date for 2024 so I can avoid scheduling anything else around that time. Help a fellow history nerd out?

a year ago

Hey there fellow history enthusiast! It's fantastic that you're mapping out your schedule ahead of time to accommodate your AP exams. For the 2024 AP US History exam, you'll want to mark your calendar for Friday, May 10th. The exam is typically held in the morning, so you'll have the afternoon free for any post-exam relaxation or celebrations you want to plan.

Remember, it's a good idea to start reviewing material early, even if the test seems far off now. Maybe set up a study schedule to help keep your preparation on track. As you get closer to the big day, be sure to scope out where the exam will be held and figure out any transportation details if needed. If your school offers any review sessions, they can be a great resource as well. Keep up with your study plan, and I'm sure you'll do great on the exam!

Good luck, and may the historical figures be ever in your favor!

a year ago

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