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ACT vs SAT: Which math section is more challenging?

I've gotta decide between the SAT and ACT, and math isn't exactly my best subject. Anyone have insights on which test's math section is tougher, or maybe just different, from personal experience?

a year ago

Hey there! I totally understand wanting to choose the test that will best showcase your strengths, especially when math isn't your favorite subject. The general consensus is that the ACT math section is typically seen as more challenging because it covers a broader range of topics, including some higher-level concepts like basic trigonometry and logarithms, and it's quite time-pressured. However, the SAT math section, while more focused on algebra and data analysis, dives deeper into problem-solving and critical thinking within those areas, and gives you a bit more time per question.

Another point to consider is that the SAT splits its math section into two parts: one where you can use a calculator and one where you cannot, while the ACT allows a calculator for all its math questions. It might be a good idea to take a practice test for both and see which style resonates more with you or which one you score better on. This could give you a feel for the types of questions you might encounter and help you make a more informed decision. Best of luck with your prep!

a year ago

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