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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking into the future: Good SAT scores for the class of 2025?

Hey everyone, so I'm planning to take the SAT next year and was wondering what a good SAT score might be for someone graduating in 2025. Have score expectations changed with test-optional policies?

Should I focus on reaching a particular score, or would colleges care more about my coursework and extracurriculars?

a year ago

Hello! It's wonderful that you're starting to think about your SAT scores ahead of time. Generally, what constitutes a 'good' SAT score can vary depending on the colleges you're aiming for. However, a good rule of thumb is to aim for the 75th percentile of scores at the schools on your list, as this places you among the higher-scoring applicants. Check the most recent class profile of admitted students for guidance.

Regarding score expectations with test-optional policies, many schools are still test-optional, meaning a strong SAT score can enhance your application, but it's not mandatory. That being said, your coursework and extracurriculars are just as important - if not more so - for showing sustained commitment and passion. Particularly impressive is a deep dedication to a few areas (often referred to as a 'spike') rather than a broad range of interests.

Ultimately, strive for balance: work towards a competitive SAT score while continuing to excel in challenging courses and deep engagements with your extracurriculars. Good luck!

a year ago

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