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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How bad is an ACT score of 17?

I'm a little nervous because my practice ACT scores are around 17. Is this considered a bad score, or can I still work with this? Any advice on how to improve would be really appreciated!

a year ago

While a 17 on the ACT is below the national average, it’s important to remember that test scores are just one part of your college application. However, most selective colleges tend to look for scores that are significantly above average, so a 17 would miss that mark.

To improve your score, the best strategy is consistent practice and to identify areas where you need the most work. For instance, if you notice that a particular section, such as Math or Science, is dragging your score down, focus on reviewing those concepts and doing targeted practice questions. Many students find that taking timed practice tests under conditions that simulate the actual test environment can also be incredibly helpful in improving their scores.

Free resources are available online, and your school's guidance office might have practice materials you can use too. It may also be beneficial to look into an ACT prep course if you learn better with structured support. Keep a positive attitude and remember that improvement is very much possible with dedicated effort!

a year ago

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