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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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AP Chemistry vs AP Physics: Which one should I take?

Hey folks, I'm trying to decide between AP Chemistry and AP Physics for next year and I'm unsure which would be more beneficial. How do these courses compare in difficulty and how they are viewed by colleges?

9 months ago

Both AP Chemistry and AP Physics are considered rigorous courses, and colleges generally view them favorably as they indicate you're challenging yourself. The best choice depends on your career goals and interests. If you lean towards anything in the medical or life sciences field, AP Chemistry might be more relevant. Conversely, if you're considering engineering or physics, AP Physics would provide a better foundation. In terms of difficulty, it often depends on your strengths. Some find the mathematical aspect of Physics more challenging, while others may struggle with the memorization and conceptual understanding required in Chemistry.

It's valuable to talk with current students or teachers about course structure and expectations, and reflect on your past performance and enjoyment of science and math classes. Colleges like to see students who are engaged and performing well in AP courses related to their intended field of study. However, don't forget to consider your overall course load and extracurricular commitments when making your choice.

9 months ago

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