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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What can I expect from pursuing a Biology Bachelor of Science?

I'm considering majoring in biology, specifically a Bachelor of Science. Can anyone who’s pursuing this or has completed it give me some insight into what the coursework is like and how it's helped you with your career aspirations?

9 months ago

Hello there! Pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology is quite an adventurous academic journey. Coursework typically includes foundational courses in general biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics early on. As you progress, you'll likely delve into more specialized topics such as genetics, biochemistry, and microbiology. You'll also gain experience in laboratory techniques and how to conduct scientific research, which are essential skills in many biology-related careers. Some programs offer opportunities for internships or research projects, which can be incredibly beneficial in applying your knowledge and gaining practical experience.

Regarding career aspirations, a Biology degree can be the gateway to a diverse range of fields, from healthcare and pharmaceuticals to environmental conservation and biotech industries. Many graduates go on to further specialize with a master's or doctoral degree, which opens up even more opportunities in research and academia. Even if you decide not to pursue advanced degrees, many entry-level positions in laboratory, research, and technical roles are available to those with a Biology BS. Additionally, the critical thinking and analytical skills you develop will be valuable in any profession. So if you are passionate about understanding the living world and its intricacies, and you're ready for the rigorous studies, this may very well be the right path for you!

9 months ago

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