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What should I expect from the Calculus AB AP exam?

As I'm gearing up to take the AP Calc AB exam, I’m kind of stressed about the types of questions and the exam format. Does anyone have insights on what the exam is like or how I should best prepare in these last few weeks?

a year ago

The AP Calculus AB exam can be quite challenging, but preparation is key. The exam consists of two main sections: multiple choice and free response, with a mix of questions that require a calculator and those that do not. For multiple-choice questions, you'll see both individual and sets of questions related to a single diagram or a scenario. The free-response section usually includes a question on differential equations and a question that requires you to interpret and analyze a graphical scenario.

In the remaining weeks, I would encourage you to practice with past exam questions, which you can find on the College Board's website. This will not only help familiarize yourself with the types of questions you'll encounter, but also help you manage your time effectively during the test. Remember, it's not just about getting the right answer but also explaining your thought process clearly, especially in the free response part. Also, work on the areas you're less confident in and make sure to get a good night's sleep before the exam! You've got this!

a year ago

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