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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which clubs should I consider joining in high school to strengthen my college app?

In a bit of a dilemma here as a high school junior — with limited time, which clubs would be the best to join that can both interest me and enhance my college applications?

9 months ago

Selecting extracurriculars should reflect a blend of your genuine interests and their potential to demonstrate your commitment and leadership skills. I'd recommend focusing on clubs that align with your intended major or career path, as they will most strongly showcase your passion and 'spike.' If you're undecided, opt for clubs that offer opportunities for growth, like debate for public speaking skills or a service club that allows you to lead projects. Remember, colleges are looking for depth, not just breadth in involvement.

So rather than joining many clubs, choose a few you're really excited about and where you can take on leadership roles or significant responsibilities. Colleges appreciate a student who contributes meaningfully to a few activities more than one who is superficially involved in many. For example, if you're interested in science and leadership, joining the Science Olympiad team and eventually becoming a team captain or leading an initiative would be viewed more favorably than passive membership in several clubs. It's about the impact you make, not just the number of clubs you list on your application.

9 months ago

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