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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Advice on Brown University Essays

Currently drafting my Brown University essays and I'm a bit stuck. What have past applicants done to impress? I'm particularly interested in the 'Why Brown?' essay, so any pointers would be amazing!

a year ago

I understand your conundrum with the 'Why Brown?' essay—it can be tough pinpointing what makes a university the perfect fit for you. Past applicants who've made an impression often go beyond the superficial aspects of the school, like location or the fact that it's an Ivy League school. Make sure you're delving into specific academic programs, research opportunities, or unique aspects of the Brown curriculum that align with your interests and goals.

For instance, if you're excited about their open curriculum, explain how that freedom will help you explore and integrate diverse fields of study that you're passionate about (and make sure to explain what those fields are). Or perhaps there's a professor whose work resonates with your own aspirations—mentioning this shows you've really done your homework and can envision yourself thriving at Brown.

Always be genuine and reflect on how the Brown community and philosophy are not just good, but the best for what you want to achieve and contribute.

a year ago

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