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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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CWRU PPSP Application Query

Just came across the PPSP program at CWRU and it seems like a dream come true! Does anyone have experience with the application process for this program? What should I focus on to strengthen my application?

a year ago

Hello there! The Pre-Professional Scholars Program (PPSP) at Case Western Reserve University is indeed a fantastic opportunity. Given the competitive nature of the program, it's important to present a holistic package. Make sure you demonstrate exceptional academic abilities, particularly in the sciences, as this program often requires a strong foundation in STEM.

Highlight your sustained commitment to healthcare, through volunteering, shadowing medical professionals, or relevant extracurricular activities. Don't forget to showcase your leadership skills and any unique experiences or achievements that could set you apart from other candidates.

Your essays should reflect a clear understanding of the profession you're aspiring to and a well-thought-out reason for wanting to join PPSP at CWRU. Finally, thorough preparation for the interview, if offered one, is crucial as it can significantly impact the final decision. Wishing you the best!

a year ago

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