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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Looking for a D1 Football College

I'm trying to narrow down my college search and I really want to go somewhere with a strong D1 football scene. Does anyone have a solid list of D1 football schools or tips on what to look for in a program?

9 months ago

Hello there! When my son was looking at schools with a strong D1 football scene, we focused on a few key points. First, look at athletic facilities and support services like strength and conditioning programs. You'll also want to consider the coaching staff's reputation and stability, as frequent changes can affect the team's performance and your experience.

Additionally, think about the team culture and the potential for you to contribute to the squad. It's also wise to factor in the school's academic programs — make sure there's a balance so you can pursue your educational goals. Lastly, we checked out the fan engagement and traditions, as these really enrich the college football experience. Hope this helps, and best of luck in finding the perfect fit for you!

9 months ago

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