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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does class rank reporting by exact decile/quintile/quartile make a difference in admissions?

Hey, guys! So, my school reports class rank in deciles, and I'm not sure how this impacts my application. Does being in a specific decile/quintile/quartile significantly matter to colleges during the admissions process, especially for competitive schools?

a year ago

Class rank can give colleges some context about your academic performance compared to your classmates. However, it's important to remember that not all schools report class rank, and colleges understand this. When class rank is reported in broad categories like deciles, admissions committees generally consider it within the context of the school's overall profile. Being in a higher decile (top 10% of your class, for instance) can be advantageous, especially at competitive schools where the applicant pool is strong. It showcases that you're a high achiever within your educational environment.

For competitive schools, being in a higher tier shows that you're capable of excelling in a rigorous academic atmosphere. However, many colleges also appreciate students who show an upward trajectory in their grades, take challenging courses, and exhibit depth in extracurricular involvement. If you are in a lower decile, these aspects of your application can become more influential, as they paint a broader picture of your capabilities and potential. Always aim to excel in your coursework and engage deeply in a few key areas outside the classroom to create a compelling application. Good luck!

a year ago

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