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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Does anyone else panic about GPA dips?

Okay, so I’ve been maintaining a pretty decent GPA so far, but I’m freaking out a little bit because this semester has been rough. Can my GPA still drop significantly junior year? How much can a couple of B's actually impact my overall GPA, especially with college apps looming in the near future?

a year ago

Absolutely, it's normal to feel concerned about your GPA, especially in your junior year, which is an important period for your college applications. If your GPA does dip a little due to a couple of B's, remember that one semester's grades aren't going to completely redefine your academic record. Colleges understand that everyone has challenging semesters. What's often more important is how you bounce back and what you’ve learned from the experience.

For instance, a student who typically had straight A’s but got a B in an advanced calculus class can demonstrate the rigor of their coursework and their willingness to challenge themselves. If the B's are in key subjects related to your intended college major, it's a good idea to show improvement or mastery in other ways, like excelling in related AP courses or engaging deeply in a related extracurricular project. Hang in there, and use this as an opportunity to showcase your resilience and capacity to overcome academic hurdles.

a year ago

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