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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Are there ways to attend college without any cost?

I've been hearing stuff about tuition-free colleges and large scholarships, and I'm wondering if it's actually possible to go to college without paying anything. Does anyone have personal experiences or tips on how to make this happen?

9 months ago

Absolutely, there are quite a few strategies you can employ to potentially attend college without paying tuition or at least significantly reducing costs. Some colleges do indeed offer tuition-free education if you meet certain criteria, like family income levels or if you work on campus. Look into schools like the United States military academies, which are tuition-free in exchange for service commitments post-graduation, or institutions like the College of the Ozarks which provide work programs to cover costs.

Besides these institutions, there are significant scholarships available that can cover the full cost of attendance, often referred to as 'full-ride scholarships.' These scholarships can be merit-based, need-based, or a combination of both. To bolster your chances of securing these scholarships, strive for academic excellence, leadership roles, community service, and a well-rounded application.

Don’t forget about smaller scholarships, either—they add up! There are thousands of them offered by various organizations, so I encourage students to apply for as many as they qualify for. Remember to check with your prospective colleges' financial aid offices and search for local and national scholarship opportunities. Best of luck!

9 months ago

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