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How does AP credit transfer work for Ivy League schools?

Hey guys, I’m taking a bunch of AP classes and just curious—do Ivy League colleges typically accept AP credits, and if so, what scores do they require?

a year ago

Ivy League schools tend to have varying policies regarding AP credits. Generally speaking, most Ivies do accept AP scores for credit, but the scores required and the type of credit granted can differ significantly from one institution to another. For example, Harvard might grant credit for an AP score of 5, allowing you to skip the introductory-level courses, while Yale may only consider the scores for placement purposes rather than credit.

It's imperative to check each school's policy directly through their official websites or by contacting their admissions offices. AP credits at these institutions are often subject to department approval, and they may also set limitations on the number of credits you can apply towards your degree. Additionally, some Ivies are moving towards a model where AP credits can fulfill pre-requisites or enable you to take higher-level courses sooner, instead of just accumulating towards your degree requirements. Make sure to align your AP courses with the expected standards of your prospective colleges and consider how these credits could impact your academic plan at an Ivy League school.

a year ago

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