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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Can you give an example of how to choose a degree and major?

I know I've got to start thinking about what I want to study in college, but I'm stumped. Can anyone give me an example of how they chose their degree and major?

a year ago

Absolutely, choosing a degree and major is a significant decision and can be guided by a combination of personal interests, career goals, and practical considerations.

For instance, a student passionate about environmental science and committed to addressing climate change might choose a major in Environmental Studies. They would then look for colleges with strong programs in that area, perhaps including hands-on research opportunities, internships, and a curriculum that matches their interests. Additionally, they might consider double majoring or minoring in a related field, like Political Science, to complement their primary interest with skills that would prepare them for law, policy, or advocacy work related to the environment.

It's important to reflect on what you enjoy doing, courses you have excelled in, and potential careers you find appealing; these factors can guide you toward a field of study. Many colleges offer career assessments and counseling to help students with these decisions, so it's worthwhile to access such resources.

Lastly, don't forget that it's okay to enter college undeclared; you can use your early semesters to explore different subjects before committing to a major.

a year ago

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