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What does being part of a Division 1 college football team entail?

As a junior, I'm starting to get some looks from D1 colleges for football. Can someone fill me in on what life is like as a D1 athlete? How do academics and football mix, and what's the time commitment really like?

a year ago

Congratulations on getting noticed—that's a big step! My son is currently on a D1 swim team, so I can provide a little perspective.

The time commitment is substantial. In-season, expect early morning practices, afternoon practices, and games on top of that. Off-season isn't much lighter, as training and conditioning continue. Athletes essentially hold two full-time jobs: one as a student, one as an athlete. Balancing academics and athletics is a feat of meticulous time management.

Schools typically provide academic support for athletes, like tutors and study tables, to help them keep up with their classwork. Priorities will have to be in check, social life may take a hit, and some late-night study sessions are inevitable after long days. It's all about finding a balance, and while it’s tough, it’s also very rewarding, and for many athletes, it sets them up with strong discipline and time management skills that benefit them long after college.

Make sure to talk to current athletes during your recruitment visits to get the real scoop on what life will be like for you. Best of luck!

a year ago

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