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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's a 'C' grade's impact on a 4.0 scale?

Alright, I might end this semester with a C in one of my classes, and I'm freaking out a little. How bad will this hit my GPA on a 4.0 scale, and do you guys think colleges will see past it if my other grades are solid?

9 months ago

Hey, don't stress too much! On a 4.0 GPA scale, a C is typically assigned a value of 2.0. To calculate your new GPA, you can multiply this value by the credit hours for the class and then divide by your total credit hours attempted. Your overall GPA might decrease a bit, but it's important to focus on your other grades and getting back on track in future semesters.

Colleges understand that no student is perfect, and they may look past one lower grade if the rest of your transcript shows strong academic performance. If you're able to explain the circumstances leading up to that C (and show improvement in later semesters), admissions officers might appreciate your determination and persistence. Best of luck!

9 months ago

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