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Has anyone successfully received a merit scholarship from Dartmouth?

I'm aware that Ivy Leagues typically don't offer merit scholarships, but I've heard some snippets about merit aid at Dartmouth. Anyone out there who's received merit scholarships from Dartmouth or knows someone who did? How competitive is it?

a year ago

Hi there! It's true that Ivy League schools, including Dartmouth, only offer need-based financial aid rather than merit scholarships for undergrad students. Dartmouth's aid is very good though, as they meet 100% of demonstrated need.

A possibility is that you might have heard about external scholarships that happen to be associated with Dartmouth alumni or specific fields of study available at Dartmouth. These scholarships aren't directly awarded by the college, but rather by external organizations or donors.

You may also have heard about the STAMPS Scholarship at Dartmouth, which doesn't fund your degree but an educational project:

If you're looking to secure merit scholarships for your degree, it's a good idea to explore options at other schools as well, and definitely consider applying for external scholarships and awards.

I hope this answers your question and gives you some guidance. Good luck!

a year ago

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