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Any tips on tackling CMU's supplemental essays for 2024?

Could use some advice! Carnegie Mellon's supplementals are giving me a hard time. How do you guys approach writing essays that stand out for schools like CMU that have a strong emphasis on them?

a year ago

When tackling the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) supplemental essays, your approach should be strategic and focused. CMU values innovative thinkers and problem solvers, so it's crucial that your essays reflect these traits.

First, research CMU thoroughly and align your interests and experiences with the unique offerings and culture of the university. For example, if applying to the School of Computer Science, discuss your specific interest in CMU's collaborative projects or particular faculty research that excites you. Make it evident that you're not just applying to any top-ranked school, but specifically to CMU.

Next, be specific and personal in your responses. Use concrete examples of your achievements, experiences, or challenges you've overcome that are relevant to your program choice. This is not the place for generic statements. If CMU emphasizes interdisciplinary learning in your desired program, highlight experiences where you've successfully integrated knowledge across fields. Reflect on your 'spike' or area of deep interest and expertise, and connect it to how you plan to contribute to the CMU community.

Finally, proofread meticulously. CMU's emphasis on supplements means your writing must be clear, concise, and free of errors to demonstrate your strong communication skills. Writing standout essays takes time and reflection, so start early and revise often.

a year ago

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