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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Where to find essay examples for guidance?

I'd like to read through some high-quality essay examples to help me understand the level of writing expected at the college level and to improve my own writing skills. Does anyone know of any resources or websites where I can find a collection of examples? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! It's great that you're seeking to improve your writing by exploring high-quality essay examples.

One reliable source is CollegeVine's Essay Examples, where you can find real college essays, along with analysis and guidance on what made them stand out:

Another option is to check out books on college essay writing, which often include sample essays and tips on crafting a compelling narrative. Some popular titles include '50 Successful Harvard Application Essays' and 'On Writing the College Application Essay' by Harry Bauld.

Just keep in mind that you should use these resources as inspiration, not for copying or plagiarism. Happy reading!

a year ago

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