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AP European History - how tough is it really?

Hey all! I'm planning out my schedule for next year, and I’m considering AP European History. For those who've taken it, how hard is the class and exam? I want to challenge myself but not get overwhelmed. Tips would help too!

a year ago

Hi! One of my kids took AP European History, so I can offer some insights. The level of difficulty can vary depending on the teacher and your aptitude for the subject. However, in general, it's considered a challenging but manageable class. A solid foundation in European history is helpful, though not necessary.

A significant part of the course includes learning how to analyze primary and secondary sources, as well as mastering essay writing for the AP exam. You'll need strong reading, writing, and critical thinking skills to excel in this class.

To succeed in AP Euro, consistent effort throughout the year is crucial. Keeping up with readings, assignments, and reviewing class notes regularly will go a long way in helping you retain the information. Connecting historical events and understanding their consequences will also significantly enhance your understanding of the material.

My advice is to ask your friends, older students, or teachers about the specific class and what their experiences were like. This will give you a better idea of what to expect at your school. Remember, it's essential to find the right balance between challenge and manageable workload. Good luck with your decision!

a year ago

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