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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Where can I find internships for high school students near me?

I'm a junior looking to beef up my extracurriculars and I'm super interested in finding some internships. Any tips on where to look for internships close to home that are open to high school students?

9 months ago

It's awesome that you're looking into internships to enhance your extracurriculars! Here are a few ways to search for internships that are open to high school students in your area:

1. Reach out to your school's guidance counselor or career center. They can be a great resource and might have connections with businesses and organizations in your local community.

2. Network with family and friends. Ask your parents, siblings, neighbors, and friends if they know about any internship opportunities in your area.

3. Utilize websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Internships.com. You can filter your search for opportunities labeled as 'high school intern' or 'internship for high school students'.

4. Contact local businesses, nonprofit organizations, or government agencies directly. Many places, especially small local businesses, may not advertise their internships online, but they could still have openings if you ask.

5. Check out your local Chamber of Commerce's website for information on business-related opportunities in your area.

Good luck with your internship search, and remember that a hands-on experience can be incredibly valuable in both the admissions process and your personal growth!

9 months ago

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