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How to write a strong essay conclusion

As I'm writing my college essays, I'm not sure how to wrap them up effectively. Can someone please give me some advice on how to write strong conclusions for essays? What are some strategies or techniques that have worked for you?

a year ago

Hey there! Great question. Writing strong essay conclusions can be tricky, but I'm happy to share some strategies that have worked for me. A well-written conclusion does more than just wrapping up your essay, it leaves a strong impression and reinforces your main points for the reader. Here are some tips to consider:

1. Restate your thesis in a new way: Don't simply copy-paste your initial thesis statement, but rephrase it while still keeping its essence. This helps remind the reader of your key argument.

2. Summarize main points: Briefly touch over the main ideas or arguments presented in your essay, without just listing them, to bring your essay full circle.

3. Provide a sense of closure: A strong conclusion should leave your reader satisfied and provide a sense of finality. You can achieve this by restating the implications of your essay or demonstrating the broader context/importance of your topic.

4. End with a memorable statement: Lastly, consider leaving the reader with a thought-provoking question, quote, or call-to-action that highlights the significance of your essay. This can make your essay more impactful.

I hope these tips help you create effective and strong essay conclusions! Good luck with your college essays!

a year ago

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