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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

How many activities should I list on UC application?

Hello! I'm currently filling out my UC application and I'm not sure how many activities I should include. I've been quite involved in high school, but I also don't want to overwhelm the admissions officers! How many activities did you guys list?

a year ago

It's great to hear that you've been involved in high school! On the UC application, you have space for up to 20 extracurricular activities, but that doesn't mean you need to fill every spot. Most successful applicants to top colleges have around 8-10 total extracurriculars, often with seasonal activities and high involvement in a select few.

Remember that quality is more important than quantity. Focus on including the activities you're most passionate about and where you've made significant contributions or demonstrated leadership. These are the activities that will help your application stand out. There's no strict rule for how many activities to list, so use your judgment and emphasize the ones that feel most important to you.

a year ago

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