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Which doctor specialty requires the shortest residency?

As someone considering med school, I'm curious about which doctor specialties typically require the shortest residency times. I know all specialties are challenging in their own right, but I wanted to get a better understanding of the time commitments involved. Any insights would be much appreciated!

9 months ago

Great question! I can understand how you might want to consider the length of residency when choosing a medical specialty. In general, primary care specialties like family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics have shorter residency programs, usually around 3 years in length. Additionally, some psychiatry residency programs are also 3 years long, though some can extend up to 4 years or more if you decide to pursue a subspecialty.

It's important to remember that these timelines can vary, and after completing a residency, some doctors may opt for additional fellowship training or other specialized opportunities that will extend their training and experience.

Keep in mind that pursuing a medical career is a significant commitment, and the duration of the residency may be less important than the personal and professional satisfaction brought by the field you ultimately choose to specialize in. Good luck as you continue to explore this path!

9 months ago

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