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IB grades to letter grades

Hey everyone! I'm currently in the IB program and was wondering how my IB scores would translate into a letter grade scale? I just want to get a better idea of where I stand for college applications. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! Converting IB scores to letter grades isn't an exact science, but I can give you a rough idea. Here's a general guideline for converting IB scores to letter grades:

- 7: A+

- 6: A / A-

- 5: B+ / B

- 4: B- / C+

- 3: C / C-

- 2: D

- 1: F

Keep in mind that this conversion can vary depending on your school's grading policies and the specific courses. In terms of college applications, it's important to remember that many universities are familiar with the IB program and will evaluate your scores within the context of that system, so converting to letter grades might not even be necessary.

Additionally, colleges consider other factors like rigorous coursework and extracurricular activities when making admissions decisions. Hope this helps you understand how your IB scores compare to letter grades!

a year ago

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