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Harvard Supplemental Essay Examples

Hi all! I'm looking for examples of successful Harvard supplemental essays to get an idea of what makes them stand out. Does anyone have advice on where to find good examples or any tips to write a strong essay?

9 months ago

Hey! Finding successful Harvard supplemental essays can be a bit tricky since they're usually not published by the university itself. However, here's a strategy to get some inspiration and guidance on writing your own essay:

You can search the internet (using search engines, forums, or college admissions websites like CollegeVine) for examples of essays that got people accepted into Harvard. As you read them, take note of the engaging storytelling, unique perspectives, and the clear demonstration of the applicant's values or passions in action. Some essays may also have a strong theme, making them memorable to the reader.

Remember, though, that your supplemental essay should be uniquely about you. By all means, learn from successful examples, but always ensure you're showcasing your own voice, interests, and experiences. Think about how you can make your essay stand out by tapping into your personal anecdotes or choosing a surprising approach.

Good luck with your essay, and I hope you find some great examples to guide you on your journey!

9 months ago

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