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Impacts of new SAT score ranges on college admissions?

Hey guys, I'm a bit worried here. How are the recent changes to SAT score ranges affecting college admissions? Do colleges look at new scores differently compared to the old scale? I'm trying to figure out where I stand.

I've heard some chatter about shifts in what's considered a 'good' SAT score and it's throwing me off my college list planning. Any advice is much appreciated!

9 months ago

Hey there! I understand that changes in the SAT scoring system can be confusing when trying to determine where you stand in the college admissions process. It's important to remember that colleges will be aware of these changes as well and will adjust their expectations accordingly.

As far as I'm aware, colleges evaluate applicants based on the latest and most applicable guidelines or scales. So, if you have a 'new' SAT score, they'll compare it to other applicants' scores using that same scale.

One piece of advice is to check the middle 50% SAT score range for accepted students at the colleges you're interested in. This can help you see if your score is within the range that is typically admitted. Remember, though, that the SAT is just one part of a holistic admissions process, and colleges will look at other factors, such as your GPA, extracurricular activities, and essays as well.

Try not to stress too much about the changes in SAT score ranges; focus on compiling a balanced college list that complements your academic achievements and personal preferences. Good luck, and I hope this information helps put your concerns at ease!

9 months ago

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