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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Impact of Significant Donations on HBCUs?

Hey fellow juniors and seniors, I just read about some huge donations to HBCUs and am kinda intrigued. Do you guys think these donations will significantly change the student experience there, like improved facilities or more scholarships? Considering these potential changes, should it influence my college choice?

9 months ago

Hey! I heard about those donations too, and it's pretty awesome for the HBCUs. While it's hard to say exactly how these donations will be used, they could definitely lead to improvements in facilities, resources, or even additional scholarships. It might take some time to see the full impact of these donations, though.

As for whether this should influence your college choice, that depends on what you're looking for in a school. These changes could make HBCUs even more competitive and appealing, but you should still focus on finding the college that matches your personal preferences and needs.

When making your college list, consider factors like location, size, available majors, campus culture, and, of course, financial aid and scholarship opportunities. If you're interested in attending an HBCU, these donations might be a bonus, but you should ultimately choose a college based on what you think will be the best fit for you. Good luck in your college search!

9 months ago

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