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SAT: 720 math
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Studying for APUSH Unit Tests?

APUSH is beating me up lately, and I really want to ace my next unit test. Any advice on how to study efficiently for APUSH and what resources you found most helpful? Thanks a lot!

a year ago

Hey there! I totally understand how challenging APUSH can be. It's important to have a solid study plan and take advantage of helpful resources. Here are a few tips and resources that you might find useful:

1. Break down the material: Focus on specific periods, events, and themes for each unit. Instead of trying to remember every detail, concentrate on the broader trends and connections between events.

2. Use reliable resources: Websites like Khan Academy, AP Classroom, and CollegeVine offer free APUSH resources, including video lectures, practice problems, and essay guides. These can help you grasp the material in different ways and reinforce your learning.

3. Quiz yourself: Use flashcards or quiz apps like Quizlet to review key terms, events, and concepts. Testing yourself helps with information retention.

4. Review old tests and essays: Look back at your previous tests and essays to identify areas you need to improve or ways you can better structure your essays.

5. Stay organized: Create a study schedule, set goals, and allocate time for each unit. This will keep you focused and help you manage your time better.

Good luck, and happy studying!

a year ago

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