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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Getting into NHS

Hey guys! I'm really interested in joining the National Honor Society (NHS) at my school. Can anyone share their experiences and give me some advice on how to get in? What requirements or characteristics should I focus on?

9 months ago

Hey! Joining the National Honor Society can be a great experience both academically and socially, while also looking good on college applications. From what I know, there are generally four main criteria that the NHS considers for membership: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.

To start, your school likely has a minimum GPA requirement for NHS applicants – usually around a 3.0 or higher. Focus on maintaining or improving your grades, as scholarship is an important aspect of NHS candidacy. Additionally, leadership and teamwork play significant roles. Consider getting involved in clubs, teams, or committees within your school, and maybe even take on leadership positions where possible. Those experiences can demonstrate your leadership abilities.

Service is another key component to be an NHS member. Try to participate in community service activities or organized volunteer work to showcase your commitment to giving back. Lastly, make sure you exemplify good character traits, such as honesty, responsibility, and trustworthiness, in your daily life. Maintain respectful relationships with peers, teachers, and staff.

Remember, each school might have unique requirements or additional steps like writing an essay or getting teacher recommendations. Reach out to an NHS advisor at your school for more specific information and guidance. Good luck!

9 months ago

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