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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Approach for writing a 'college essay about yourself'?

I'm working on this college essay prompt that essentially asks to 'tell us about yourself,' and it's so open-ended I don't know where to start. Any advice on picking an angle that stands out but still feels genuine?

9 months ago

Starting can be the hardest part! Remember, authenticity rings the truest in college essays. With such a broad prompt, pick an aspect of your personality or life that is not only compelling but that you're excited about. Think about what sets you apart. Do you have a unique hobby, perspective, or life experience that has shaped you? Reflect on moments when you felt most 'yourself' or most alive – these are often the experiences that lead to the most genuine and engaging essays.

Consider something you've not shared elsewhere in your application, giving the admissions team new insight into who you are. Maybe there's an unusual tradition in your family that has impacted how you see the world. Or perhaps a risk you took led to personal growth or a shift in your perspective; these stories can showcase your individuality and reflect your potential contribution to their campus community.

Whatever you choose, make sure you're showing rather than merely telling; use specific anecdotes and details to draw your reader in. Your essay should also ultimately convey your values and how they influence your aspirations, relationships, and worldview. And most importantly, be yourself. Admissions officers read thousands of essays – they have a knack for telling when a student's voice is truly their own.

9 months ago

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