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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Creative ideas for getting community service hours?

Hey everyone, I'm looking to get more involved in my community and rack up some service hours for college applications. What are some unique or fun ways you've found to fulfill your community service requirements?

9 months ago

Hey! It's awesome that you want to get involved in your community and find fun ways to contribute. Here are a few ideas for unique service opportunities:

1. Organize a community cleanup day. Get your friends together, make some DIY posters, and pick up litter at a local park or neighborhood.

2. Offer free tutoring sessions. If you excel in a particular subject, consider offering your skills to help others in your area who may need academic support.

3. Start a community garden. Gather some neighbors and work together to create a green space where people can grow their own vegetables and flowers.

4. Team up with a local charity. Collaborate with a local nonprofit organization to host a fundraiser, art show, or awareness event.

Remember, the best community service projects are ones you're passionate about. So choose projects that align with your interests, and you'll have a great time while making an impact!

9 months ago

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