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Writing a strong essay for nursing-related programs?

I'm applying to colleges with nursing-related majors and I want to make sure my essay reflects my passion and commitment to the field. What are some tips or suggestions on how to make my essay stand out, specifically in relation to nursing? Thank you!

9 months ago

Hi there! It's awesome that you're passionate about nursing and want your essay to showcase your dedication to the field. To make your essay stand out, consider sharing a personal anecdote that highlights a meaningful experience you've had related to nursing. This could be a volunteer experience, an interaction with a nurse, or an event that inspired you to pursue this career path. Describe the feelings, emotions, and lessons you took from the experience.

Additionally, focus on your unique qualities and perspective as a future nurse. Explain how you plan to make an impact in the field, and how your personal qualities align with your nursing aspirations.

Finally, research the nursing programs you're applying to, and try to connect your goals and experiences with specific aspects of those programs—the more specific and unique, the better. Showing your familiarity and genuine interest in their offerings can help your essay feel tailored and well-thought-out. Best of luck with your applications!

9 months ago

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