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How long should argumentative essays be?

Hey guys! I'm working on an argumentative essay assignment for my English class. Just curious, what's the typical length for this type of essay? Any advice would be appreciated!

9 months ago

Hey there! The length of an argumentative essay can vary depending on the requirements set by your teacher or the complexity of the topic. In general, a typical high school argumentative essay might be around 3-5 pages (double-spaced), or roughly 800-1,500 words. However, in college, it could go up to 6-10 pages or even more, depending on your assignment.

I'd recommend checking the assignment details provided by your teacher or asking them directly for their preferred length or page count. Ultimately, it's essential to fully develop your argument and provide enough evidence while adhering to your teacher's guidelines.

Remember, the focus should be on presenting a strong, well-researched argument rather than just meeting a specific word count. Aim to stay concise, clear, and persuasive. Good luck with your essay!

9 months ago

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