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Searching for Free Medical Summer Programs for High School Students

Hey everyone, I'm interested in pursuing a career in medicine and I've been looking into free medical summer programs for high school students that I could join. Does anyone have any recommendations for good programs near me? I'm in southern California, if that helps. Thanks in advance!

9 months ago

Hello! It's great to hear that you're looking into medical summer programs to explore your career interests. Southern California has some excellent free or inexpensive programs designed for high school students like you. Here are two options for you to consider:

1. COSMOS at UC Irvine: The California State Summer School for Mathematics and Science (COSMOS) is a 4-week residential program for talented high school students. While not exclusively medical, they offer several medical-related clusters such as biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine. Financial assistance is available for qualifying students.

2. SMASH Academy at UCLA: The Summer Math and Science Honors (SMASH) Academy is a free, 3-year residential STEM program that includes exposure to medical fields. They accept rising 10th-grade students.

For more medical internships and programs—many of which are free—take a look at this CollegeVine article on this very topic: https://blog.collegevine.com/medical-internships-for-high-school-students

I hope these suggestions help you find a suitable program, and good luck in your future medical pursuits!

9 months ago

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