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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How does the ranking of North Carolina A&T as an HBCU affect admissions?

Hey everyone! I've been trying to figure out more about HBCUs and I stumbled upon North Carolina A&T. I'm pretty curious about how their HBCU ranking might influence the competitiveness of their admissions process. Any insights?

Does a higher ranking mean a tougher admissions game, and should I consider this in my application strategy?

9 months ago

Hello! It's great that you're looking into HBCUs and considering North Carolina A&T. HBCU rankings can be useful as a general measure of a school's reputation and academic quality, but keep in mind that admissions can be a complex process and rankings are just one of many factors.

A higher ranking might mean a more competitive admissions process due to the school's reputation, but it's not the sole determining factor. Instead of focusing solely on rankings, consider whether the school is a good fit for your academic, social, and financial needs.

When preparing your application, emphasize your strengths and unique experiences that demonstrate your potential to contribute to North Carolina A&T's community. Research the school's programs and values, and tailor your application to highlight what you bring to the table.

Good luck with your application process! Remember, it's important to apply to a range of schools, not just based on rankings, but also on how well they match your individual needs and goals.

9 months ago

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