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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Pledging at HBCUs something to consider for show involvement?

Hey everyone, I've heard about shows like Pledge HBCU and I’m kind of interested in the social life and extracurriculars at HBCUs. How important is pledging in terms of getting the full HBCU experience, especially for someone active in campus life?

Any current students or alumni who can share their take on this?

9 months ago

Hi there! From what I’ve gathered, pledging at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) can be a meaningful way to embrace the social life and campus culture. Joining a fraternity or sorority at an HBCU can lead to lifelong friendships and networking opportunities. Additionally, Greek organizations are known to be deeply involved in community service, leadership development, and campus events.

However, it's important to remember that pledging is not the only way to have a fulfilling HBCU experience. There are various clubs, organizations, and activities on campus that you can participate in to meet new people and develop your interests. The key is to find what suits you and your passions best.

Moreover, it's crucial to weigh the positives and negatives of joining a Greek organization at your HBCU. Pledging may require a significant time commitment, and balancing academics alongside extracurriculars might be challenging for some students. Make sure you're fully aware of the responsibilities that come with pledging before making a decision.

So, while pledging can enhance your HBCU experience, it's not a must for everyone. You might want to explore different options on campus and assess whether joining a fraternity or sorority is the right choice for you. Good luck, and I hope you enjoy your time at an HBCU!

9 months ago

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