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High School Essay Contests Worth Entering?

Hey friends, I'm looking to challenge myself and add a little something extra to my college app. Does anyone here know of any reputable high school essay contests? Bonus if there's a prize involved!

9 months ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're interested in challenging yourself and boosting your college application. Participating in essay contests is an excellent way to improve your writing skills and demonstrate your interests and achievements.

Here are a few reputable essay contests for high school students:

1. Scholastic Art and Writing Awards: This contest is well-known for recognizing creative high school students across different categories, including writing. They offer scholarships for winners in various categories.

2. The National WWII Museum Essay Contest: This contest is for students in grades 5-12 and focuses on WWII-related topics. Cash prizes are available for the top three in each age group.

3. Profile in Courage Essay Contest: Sponsored by the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, this contest encourages students to write about US elected officials who showed political courage. The winner receives a cash prize and an invitation to the Profile in Courage Award Ceremony in May.

These are just a few examples, and there are many more opportunities out there. Be sure to confirm the deadlines and eligibility requirements for each contest before you begin. Good luck, and happy writing!

9 months ago

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