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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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HBCUs with the largest campuses?

Yo! I'm all about that campus life and considering an HBCU for college. Can somebody drop the name of the HBCU schools known for having the largest campuses? Does a bigger campus translate to more resources or a better experience in any way?

9 months ago

Hey there! I totally understand the appeal of a large campus. Some HBCUs with larger campuses include Florida A&M University, Howard University, and North Carolina A&T State University. While a bigger campus can sometimes mean more resources, facilities, and opportunities, it isn't always a guarantee for a better experience. The experience can vary based on personal preference, overall campus environment, and the vibe of the student body.

If you prioritize campus size when choosing an HBCU, I'd recommend checking out their websites and taking virtual or in-person tours to get a better sense of the experience. As you explore, keep in mind that it's just as important to consider the academic programs, extracurricular offerings, and cultural foundations at each institution. Happy searching!

9 months ago

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