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What HBCUs in North Carolina are known for strong undergraduate research programs?

I’m a high school junior super interested in getting involved in research as an undergrad. I'm looking at HBCUs and was wondering if anyone knows which HBCU in North Carolina has a reputation for offering great research opportunities to undergrads?

a year ago

Hi there! Based on your interests, a school that stands out for undergraduate research opportunities among HBCUs in North Carolina is North Carolina A&T State University. This institution has a strong track record of encouraging undergraduate research through various programs and events. They offer the Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP) as one of their initiatives to further student research experience. Additionally, at the end of each academic year, the university holds an event called the Undergraduate Research Symposium where students can present their research projects.

Other HBCUs in North Carolina may also have research programs, but North Carolina A&T seems to be a strong fit for your goals based on its research-focused initiatives. That being said, it's a good idea to explore the official websites of multiple HBCUs to get more information on programs and research opportunities.

a year ago

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