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What do essays that got into Ivy League schools have in common?

I am working on my college applications and trying to figure out what makes an essay stand out to Ivy League admissions officers. Are there any trends or commonalities in essays that got students accepted into top-tier schools? Thanks for your help!

a year ago

While there isn't a one-size-fits-all formula for success, essays that get accepted by Ivy League schools generally share certain characteristics. First and foremost, they're authentic and showcase the writer's genuine voice. Admissions officers want to have a sense of who you are, so focus on your personal experiences and their impact on your growth.

Another common feature is a unique and compelling story or angle. It's essential to avoid cliché topics or overused themes, as they won't set you apart from other applicants. Reflect on your life and choose a story that highlights your strengths, values, or passion.

Moreover, successful essays are well-written and finely-crafted. Pay attention to your essay's structure, flow, word choice, and grammar. A well-articulated essay demonstrates your dedication, thoughtfulness, and attention to detail.

Lastly, top-tier college essay writers often demonstrate self-awareness and reflection. Admissions officers appreciate an applicant's ability to learn and grow from their experiences. So, make sure to emphasize your personal development and the lesson you've taken away from your story.

If you want to see examples of successful Ivy essays, I would recommend checking out CollegeVine's essay guides as they have a post with essays for each of the eight Ivies.

Remember, essays should be vivid, engaging, and leave a lasting impression on the readers. Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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